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Foreign Women about Ukrainian girls and women.

Sample of women’s statements from the other countries about Ukrainians is insignificant and consists mostly of opinions of Americans, Canadians, Danes and natives of Malta. It is noticed, that Ukrainian women has a serious leadership in the marriage market and represent a real threat to the local women ("Ukraine women are going" when "going" is understood as invasion which cannot be stopped). The natural reaction is that Russian and Ukrainian women are charged in immoral behaviour (27 % of all contexts): in unscrupulousness, in easy affable and that they go in for prostitution (it is typical for Ukrainian girls and women “to go in for prostitution and to earn money no matter in what way").
However the foreigners mark the beauty of Ukrainians (41 % of contexts): "Women are so beautiful there; on coming back home you notice the difference at once". One of the most discussed themes is the "passivity" of the Russian and Ukrainian women: "Why are Ukrainian women so passive?" . Americans and Canadians call Ukrainians for activity, ambitions, to aggressive type of behaviour. But exactly the nonaggressive behaviour of Ukrainian and Russian women allows them to be "excellent wives" for the men who have got tired of emancipation in the West. Is it good? The question is so difficult, that let’s refrain from the answer.

By Oleg Georgievskiy, Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

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